
Meth-idemic in Michigan

How does drain cleaner, lithium, hydrochloric acid and a concoction of other dangerous products sound to you? These ingredients are being harnessed to produce the drug methamphetamine that has taken over America and plagued West Michigan. A drug that was once administered to World War II pilots to fight off fatigue and administered in the 1950’s through 1960’s as a weight loss answer has now developed into a whole new generation of addicts. In investigations done around the county they are realizing that by providing laws to cut down making meth has only taken the labs elsewhere. The labs are now being created in Mexico and overseas and being shipped right to our doorsteps. Methamphetamine is a drug that so quickly changes the body’s natural systems and destroys the body and mind at rapid speed. It’s an epidemic just as all the street drugs have become. The more we try to control it, the more ways people are finding a way around the laws and using outside sources. The United States Postal Service is aware of the problem and postal inspectors in Detroit have admitted they are working on several cases right now, they are investigating to try and find the source of this foreign meth and cut off future supply lines. As of right now and for the time being, the job of solving the problems at home has been put on local police enforcement. The issue isn’t getting any better and with people figuring out ways around being detected it has made the task of cutting this drug down a much harder burden than it has already been.

Believe it or not Meth addiction is actually a costly burden for all of us, addicts quite often are burned in explosions and a survey that was conducted by Bronson Hospital found that the average meth patient’s hospital stay costs $130,000 and most addicts are not insured. Before your addiction takes over your life, or if you addiction is consuming you mind, body and soul look for treatment. A bright future can start with a click of a button. To learn more about Seabrook and all its successful programs please go to: It’s never too late to live the life you’ve always wanted.

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