Going to your first 12 step meeting can be a very scary thing for an addict or alcoholic seeking recovery.
Prescription drug abuse is a disease that can affect people of all walks of life, yet many people do not
In Westmoreland County, PA the 78 drug-overdose deaths reported last year do not have any connection with each other. This
States are assessing the complexity and the cost of the federal health care law. Many legislatures have a dilemma of
Warren Area High School alumnus Brent Scarpo recently brought his anti-drug message to his alma mater on a less than
At one of our first meetings, a predecessor may have said to us “try to identify and not compare”. That
There is a growing drug problem in Northeast Wisconsin, but now there is another scary trend on the increasing number
While Wisconsin’s economy, job growth efforts, education funding and issues with health care tend to take center stage in debates
Heroin dealing in Portland is resulting in huge livability issues for the quite communities because drug cartels that control the
Whilst Lindsay Lohan’s been busy crawling around under tables in Brazil, her lawyer has been busy negotiating her future which