
Local School Hosts Drug Summit

One community held a Drug Summit where they discussed that education, prevention, acknowledging the issue, showing leadership across the board is how to address and stop the drug problem. The summit focused on prevention, treatment and enforcement when it comes to families and substance abusers dealing with the disease. The local District Attorney delivered some disturbing statistics regarding the widespread addiction problem in Fall River, particularly heroin and prescription drugs. Of the 8,000 cases that go before the District Court annually, up to 15 percent are related to drug use, possession and distribution, and when you think about the other cases that are connected to drug abuse, drug addiction and drug dealing the numbers grow exponentially.

One solution to stem the tide of addiction discussed at the summit was establishing a drug court in the city that mirrors the one in New Bedford, an intensive judicially supervised treatment program that oversees participants a minimum of 12 months. In addition to educating themselves about drugs, communication with children is key to helping stop addiction before it starts.

Family support is key to helping ensure that your children remain drug free. It is also a huge part in getting a loved one to get clean and stay sober. The Family Matrix Program is a three day family experience that allows families to begin to heal and strengthen the family bonds strained by addiction. The Family Matrix Program commences the exploration of family dynamics in a group setting that creates a sense of safety and acceptance that is vital to the family healing. Topics such as enabling and boundaries are explored in depth as well as the latest medical information regarding addiction. Once families have a clear understanding of their relationship with the addicted person they are then able to see where they are powerless and, more important, where they do have power. In other words, family members are able to reclaim the family from the hijacking of addiction and restore a sense of hope as the miracle of recovery is revealed. Through the use of vision boards and mindfulness techniques, family members are able to solidify this experience by identifying common family goals that can propel the family forward into a new family spirit.

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