
Drug Use in Iowa Is on the Rise

The use of marijuana and more potent methamphetamine is on the rise in Iowa. The report by the Office of Drug Control Policy shows 26.7 percent of Iowans who sought drug treatment last year named marijuana as their drug of choice, a 20-year high. It’s been creeping up over the last 20 years consistently and it doesn’t help that they have the mixed messages that are out there today. The fact that some other states have relaxed laws or legalized marijuana blurs the message. The report shows some $125.8 million will be spent on drug and alcohol prevention, treatment and enforcement in Iowa in 2014, an amount that has declined by 7.4 percent since 2010. Iowa has the third-lowest level of drug use in the country. But meth-related arrests have begun to climb again after reaching a low point in 2008, and more potent meth is being smuggled into the state, with an average purity of 97 percent versus 40 percent five years ago. The report shows alcohol remains by far Iowans’ drug of choice — 51.2 percent called it their primary drug — and heavy or binge drinking by adults is at near historic highs.

Seabrook offers a wide range of addiction treatment services including intensive stabilization(also known as detoxification), individual and group therapy, and education in the biological, social and spiritual aspect of addiction in residential treatment. Our inpatient rehabilitation program consists of a three phase continuum of care for adults ages 18 years and over.

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