
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Don’t sweat the small stuff is a figure of speech that comes from the idea of not getting irritated by the little things in life. There is also an amazing book in this writer’s opinion called “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and it’s all Small Stuff,” by Richard Carlson all about not worrying so much about the small things in life. The author explains we overreact, blow things out of proportion, hold on too tightly and focus on the negative aspects of life. The title of the book alone can get your brain wondering how many things do we “sweat” around us verses putting priorities in order and put more energy into the bigger ambitions we have and the overall picture than on insignificant issues. There was a suggestion made by a 12 step fellowship member for an exercise with this book of reading one short story a day and then to practice that principle of the story throughout your day. For example, Don’t interrupt others or finish their sentence, was a chapter in the book and the day you read it you would practice exactly what you read and the suggestions it gave you on changing that behavior. Why not give it a try!

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