
Destroying our Youth

It’s become an all too familiar issue in Andover, teens suffering from addiction. Whether they obtained the medication through a sports injury or curiosity lead them to mom and dad’s medicine cabinet, kids are getting their hands on these lethal medications. Worse enough, many of these kids start out taking prescription medicine either their own or through another source and once their source and money run low they are turning to another deadly drug, heroin. We have heard this time and time again how Opiates are a gateway drug, this being said, they are much more expensive to buy then if you were to buy heroin. This is a costly mistake that is being taken place all over the United States. Luckily many towns and police departments are organizing ways to cut down the number of overdoses and to educate individuals. Sgt Greg Scott of the Andover Police Department said, “Young addicts don’t start with a needle in their arm…We want people to come and learn about the dangers of opiates. We want to help and we plan to have a question and answer session where we will talk about the resources out there. Most people are not aware of the help that is out there.”

We at Seabrook know that once a family member we love and cherish becomes dependant on a substance, everyone suffers. That’s why Seabrook has created The Family Matrix program. It’s a program that has been helping families cope and gain the knowledge to overcome addiction. Visit: or call Carol Dallago at 856.455.7575 ext. 1158.

Have you re-enrolled for Medicaid? Learn more about changes that could affect your coverage.