
123 Breathe with Me

From the desk of Susan M Desiderio, BA, LMT, Wellness Specialist

While certain things are out of control, there are things we can control. Focus on those. Our sleep, breathing, and reactions can all be holistically regulated. Susan Desiderio, Seabrook’s Wellness Specialist walks us through ways our Wellness Department is currently assisting patients in our facility to qualm anxiety and stress that can work for you at home as well.
When patients enter treatment, they are bombarded with information. This environment can be extremely overwhelming. Nothing can be done until we calm a patient’s mind. Everything is scary and unfamiliar. The nervous systems is telling patients to abandon ship. We have several different tactics for bringing a patient back to center.
Our team has studied the Eastern philosophies of healing. Much of what we do comes down to anxiety management. Anxiety affects every part of the body, and intensifies preexisting conditions. When tension and emotion build up inside, it has countless negative side effects. Anxiety is largely built on fear of what is to happen next. Consider taking things one day at a time. Focus on today.
Listen to your body. While it may not be through direct words, it will let you know when you need to make changes, and if the adjustments you make are working or not. If you need assistance in reclaiming your mind, body, and soul from illicit substances, call us. We would love to walk beside you as you reclaim your life and serenity. When you are admitted to our centers, we welcome you with an inspired, nurturing environment where you’ll learn to arrest the disease process and acquire the guidance needed to adopt a healthier way of life.
Have you re-enrolled for Medicaid? Learn more about changes that could affect your coverage.