Everyone gets the blues now and then or feels a little sad sometimes. However, clinical depression is a valid mental...
Seabrook is Once Again on Newsweek’s Best Addiction Treatment Center List
Bridgeton, NJ, August 23, 2023 – For the second year in a row, Seabrook has been recognized on Newsweek’s list...
Using Yoga to Put Your Mind at Ease
Although there are more than 30 million yoga practitioners in the U.S., many people are uncertain about it, even though...
Riding the Cravings Wave by Urge Surging
While in recovery, especially in the first few months, it sometimes feels as though every negative thought or sensation is...
Health Resources for Veterans and First Responders
According to the most recent data (2022) from USA Facts, more than 6 percent of New Jersey’s Veterans live below...
Improve Your Health With Habit Stacking
A key to enhancing your well-being is to create habits that are meaningful to you. Once certain routines are part...
Understanding the Power of Resilience
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), “resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging...
Why Decluttering Improves Your Mental Health
Some people believe that “mess equals stress” and do their best to keep clutter to a minimum. Others may be...
How to Forgive Yourself and Stop the Shame Game
Any one of us can feel shame about something we said or did, but all too often, people in alcohol...
Why Music Therapy Boosts Your Mental Health
Does this quote sound familiar? "Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast. To soften rocks, or bend the knotted...