
Young Adults Are Affected by Their Parents’ Alcoholism

Results from a survey* by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), reveal that at least 14.3 percent of persons aged 40-64 reported drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion on at least one day in the past 30 days. Among those aged 40-44, 27 percent reported the same. For young adults, dealing with chaos from a parent’salcoholism can be particularly upsetting, as this may take the place of parental support and advice for all of life’s big decisions.

According to Al-Anon’s 2012 Membership Survey, 45 percent of Al-Anon members said their lives have been negatively affected due to the problem drinking of a father or step-father. Twenty percent of members said the same of a mother or step-mother. Al-Anon Family Groups are for families and friends who have been affected by the problem drinking of someone close to them. Nearly 16,000 local groups meet every week throughout the U.S., Canada, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Al-Anon Family Groups meet in more than 130 countries, and Al-Anon literature is available in more than 40 languages. Al-Anon Family Groups have been offering strength and support to families and friends of alcoholics since 1951. Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. acts as the clearinghouse worldwide for inquiries from those who need help or want information about Al-Anon Family Groups and Alateen, its program for teenage members.

The Family Department at Seabrook offers a wide range of services to families who are struggling with addiction. Our staff of professionals has extensive experience in working with families. While our approach is couched in family systems theory, we connect with families through compassion and understanding. We even have the facilities and guidance to help you plan an Intervention.
The Family Matrix Program is a three day family experience that allows families to begin to heal and strengthen the family bonds strained by addiction. The Family Matrix Program commences the exploration of family dynamics in a group setting that creates a sense of safety and acceptance that is vital to the family healing. Topics such as enabling and boundaries are explored in depth as well as the latest medical information regarding addiction. Once families have a clear understanding of their relationship with the addicted person they are then able to see where they are powerless and, more important, where they do have power. In other words, family members are able to reclaim the family from the hijacking of addiction and restore a sense of hope as the miracle of recovery is revealed. Through the use of vision boards and mindfulness techniques, family members are able to solidify this experience by identifying common family goals that can propel the family forward into a new family spirit.

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