
When You Get That Dreaded Knock on the Door

“Knock Knock Knock,” It’s that sinking feeling of waking up in the middle of the night to have a police officer tell you that your child has overdosed. This is an all too familiar occurrence that many Americans are experiencing. It’s been said that now more than ever prescription drugs are leading to a higher number of fatalities in school aged children. Proper precautions are being discussed in many schools to help educate parents along with children on the severe consequences one faces when they first pick up any drug. Educating is key in helping to prevent children from picking up the drugs in the first place. Children are not being told the harsh truths of what drugs will do long term. Many parents are in a state of mind thinking that this could never happen to my child, or that their child is automatically prepared to handle a peer pressure situation that could lead to taking drugs. It’s a misconception that in most cases is costing the lives of our young Americans. Many schools are now offering parents an education class that they can learn to identify the signs of drug use in their child. They also educate parents on what the drugs may come packaged in, so that they can identify it if and when it happens.

We at Seabrook are familiar with how drug addiction is effecting our younger generation and how rapid it is in our schools. Educating our clients on addiction and recovery are proven tools to a successful recovery. Along with educating our clients we also offer family sessions that help the effected family members better understand the illness. Education has been a great and effective tool used time and time again. We just need the proper information and resources to ensure a healthier life. If you or a loved one you know is struggling with this illness please visit, see if you’re ready to take the educated step in the right direction and learn the skills you need to help you overcome your addiction.

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