
Subliminal Effects of Underage Drinking Linked to Popular Music

Subliminal Effects of Underage Drinking Linked to Popular Music

Underage drinking is an evident risk for automobile accidents and potential long term alcoholism issues. It’s hard to keep teenagers from drinking alcohol just as a parent or teacher trying to make clear the possible risks involved but, as a cherry on top, today’s popular music is actually make the urge for teenagers to drink even stronger. Especially in communities where rap and hip hop are prevalently popular, like Boston, Massachusetts (MA) teenagers are almost being encouraged to drink by the lyrical nature of the songs.

Music like rap, hip hop and R&B often contain references to branded alcoholic beverages that are commonly linked to a luxury lifestyle which degrades sexual activity, violence, wealth, partying, and the use of drugs. Researchers at the University in Pittsburgh conducted a study that reports that the average U.S. adolescent is heavily exposed to alcohol references in popular music.  Between 2005 and 2007 researchers listened to 793 of the most popular teenage songs and discovered that approximately 25% of songs that make a reference to alcohol also contain a brand name, so the exposure they receive to branded alcohol references is quite substantial. Considering that brand-name references to alcohol are strongly linked to feel-good factors and positive emotions , frequent exposure to brand-name alcohols in young people could be labeled as a form of advertising that could promote early introduction of substance use amongst underage kids. Alcoholic brand names appearing in songs like Hennessey Cognac, Grey Goose Vodka and Patron Tequila are the same songs that have been repeatedly named as ‘the favorite’ amongst underage drinkers and particularly in women.

There’s enough blame to go around between the artists themselves, the accessibility of the music, and the exposure of the songs, but pointing the finger isn’t going to help the issue that is of more concern—the issue of making sure that kids don’t put themselves in a dangerous position with alcohol. Even if teenagers don’t appear to have a serious alcohol abuse problem, precautions should be taken by the Boston, Massachusetts (MA) community to make sure that they don’t end up in accidents or with a long term problem. Behavior therapy and counseling programs are in place at Seabrook for the prevention of future alcoholism risk. If you’re concerned that your Boston, Massachusetts (MA) teenager might need help with how they view and understand alcohol, then enrolling in a Seabrook program is the best option available. For those in the Boston, Massachusetts (MA) area who unfortunately may have already succumbed to alcoholic problems, than the expert treatment team at Seabrook also provides a combination of therapies to meet the needs of the individual patient.  Seabrook is located in rural Bridgeton, New Jersey (NJ)—roughly a 6 hour drive or about an hour flight from Boston, Massachusetts (MA). Contact Seabrook now for more information on how to help your teenager with drinking problems.

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