
Seabrook’s daily routine in staying ahead of COVID-19

From the desk of Joseph Ranieri, DO, FASAM, FAAFP, DABPM, DABFM, Medicail Director at Seabook.
It is our responsibility to save lives. Seabrook has been ahead of the curve in protecting our patients and employees from COVID-19. All departments have been going above and beyond their job descriptions to assure the highest levels of care are being met. Prior to the CDC mandating treatment facilities follow strict sanitizing and care procedures, Seabrook began following the CDC’s regulations for long-term healthcare facilities. We are working hard every day to assure no one has to hurt in isolation.
With over four decades of experience pouring life-giving recovery principles into the lives of clients and families, we start where you are—but we never leave you there. It is vital we stay ahead of the curve with this virus as addiction and COVID-19 can impact and exacerbate one another. Those suffering from substance use disorder are not forgotten during this epidemic. There is no better time than now to take care of your body and reclaim control of your health. Seabrook believes that healing encompasses more than the physical aspect of substance misuse. Allow yourself to heal mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
If you are a professional, family member or friend of someone needing help for substance abuse, please feel free to call any of our representatives for help and guidance, (888) 223-0298.
Have you re-enrolled for Medicaid? Learn more about changes that could affect your coverage.