
Perfectly Legal New Addictive Drug

Do we really need another addictive substance on the market to make money off of people who are already battling with addiction? A new drug known as Kratom is being said to produce a high like cocaine and is described to be as addictive as heroin and the kicker is, it’s 100% legal. It’s an herbal remedy found in Kava bars and head shops in South Florida and all throughout the country. It’s a drug created from a tree located in Asia and although contrary to popular belief of users, it is not completely safe. Kratom is a branch of the coffee family and years ago villagers manipulated the leaves and it gave off an effect that relaxed people. Kratom is said to be sought after for its euphoric and more intense effects that is being considered by some of the most dangerous drugs on sale in the United States.

A recovery prescription addict had gone through rehab a second time, for Kratom, saying she would go without eating to have the $1,000.00 a month to spend on her new found addiction. Ridding your body from this legal drug has the same grueling process that heroin users experience: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, sweats and the feeling of wanting to die. So why is this drug legal in United States after being banned in Australia, Malaysia and Thailand? The Drug Enforcement Agency recently placed Kratom on the list of “Drugs and Chemicals of Concern.” These lists of substances are studied by government chemists, who closely look at the chemical compounds of the substance and the long term effects it can have on individuals. With new addicting illegal and legal drugs forever coming into the homes of everyday people it’s no wonder why there is such a need to find a place where the right help can be obtained. Seabrook is a facility that works with individuals to help them achieve their short term and long term goals of sobriety. It’s a continuous effort for substance dependent individuals to stay healthy and we understand that struggle. To learn more ways of how Seabrook can benefit you and your family, please visit:

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