
Learn the Warning Signs of Prescription Pill Abuse

Learn the Warning Signs of Prescription Pill Abuse

As the war on drugs rages on, more people are turning to prescription pills to get their fix. But prescription pills can be even more dangerous than illegal drugs. Painkillers might include such drugs as acetaminophen, salicylates, morphine, opium, and other opioids. Though the drugs are prescribed by licensed doctors, there are increasing rates of addiction to painkillers, especially the opioids. The situation is getting so strange that legitimate patients are having trouble getting their prescriptions filled.

Not only are users damaging their own health and lives, they’re also endangering and inconveniencing those who need the pills for legitimate reasons. These pills are designed for specific uses, and abusing them leads directly to them being harder to get for patients who do have crippling pain. If you think there’s any chance of your being addicted to prescription painkillers, keep in mind these warning signs:

•Any change in personality.

•Withdrawing from social activities.

•Usage after doctor recommendation.

•Change in habits or appearance.

•Blackouts or forgetfulness.

•Neglecting responsibilities.

If you have a problem with alcohol abuse or know someone who does, you can seek help now for yourself or your loved one. Thankfully, there is good help available. Detoxification and behavioral therapy have proven to be effective in treating alcohol dependence. Addicts are often unable to complete treatment on their own or with family members, so it’s very important to seek the right treatment center. At Seabrook, we customize our treatment plans to individual patient’s needs, so you know the help you’re getting is right for you or a loved one. Whether you need an in-patient facility, or outpatient care, Seabrook is there for you with rehabilitation centers in New Jersey (NJ), Pennsylvania (PA), and an outpatient center in New York (NY). Contact Seabrook today for any questions about drugs, addiction, and treatment.

Have you re-enrolled for Medicaid? Learn more about changes that could affect your coverage.