Is This All There Is
As we drift along on the pink cloud of sobriety, we wonder why we didn’t stop abusing ourselves sooner! Everything smelled better, tasted better and looked better! How green were the trees and brilliant were the colors of the butterflies! Then it happened. The pink cloud slowly drifted away and we were left standing there, on the cold hard ground of reality. Life was coming at us rapidly and we were unsure of how to handle situations or where exactly the pain we were feeling was supposed to go. The sound of laughter coming from the neighbors as they celebrated the holidays with booze. The parties we knew we couldn’t attend lest we be tempted beyond our capacity to abstain. Where were our friends? Some had left us in the pursuit of the next great high. Others of us in our drinking days, had ruined every relationship we had ever been in and we were completely alone. “Is this all there is?” We begin to wonder what this new happiness and new freedom that we’d heard about in the promises was all about.
Many of us have attempted to stay sober on our own will power. Each day we white knuckle it and power through the day, fighting the temptation to indulge our cravings, over and over again. We feel the bitterness taking over, making us resentful of those around us who could drink successfully. We try to deny that we are powerless and more often than not, we succumb to this disease once more. Had we given ourselves time, and practiced the principles laid out in the 12 steps, we could have experienced the serenity and peace that comes with sobriety. By attending meetings, we would have found others just like us, who could understand what we were going through, and who could have shown us how to work these 12 steps. In the meetings there is a fellowship of people like us, whose very sobriety depends on helping us, the newcomer. That’s how it works! We can be shown what to do when life is beating us down. Believe it or not, the help we need is only a phone call away. We just have to be willing and that’s all we need to get started on the road to happiness. This is not all there is, there is so much more. More than you could possibly imagine. Start the journey of recovery today by calling us now and talk about treatment options. (888) 223-0298.