
Bullying Prevention Awareness Can Help Stop Addiction

October is bullying prevention awareness month. Bullying – the belittling, harassment, ostracizing, demeaning, or physical harming of another, is a tremendous problem. It is estimated that approximately 30% of teens have been directly involved in a bullying situation either as the bully or being bullied. Almost everyone has witnessed bullying. Being bullied and being a bully can have profound emotional impact including increased rates of suicide, substance abuse and addiction, self-esteem problems, and it sets the stage for future mental health issues including depression, anxiety, and profound loneliness, yet all these problems can be prevented where bullying can be stopped.

Bullying especially when persistent, changes a child’s personality. If you look at suicide and addiction statistics for those who have been bullied, they are shocking, and that doesn’t even take into account those who suffer lifetimes of depression, anxiety, and sadness without ever having a problem big enough to get them to seek help. In addiction treatment, psychotherapists often have to spend a lot of time helping an individual rebuild their self-esteem after having been bullied. Also, bullies themselves have emotional scars that cause them to lash out against others. Those issues too must be addressed. But for every case of bullying we prevent or intervene upon early enough, that’s one case of addiction we might prevent in the future.

Family support is also key in stopping addiction as well. The Family Department at Seabrook offers a wide range of services to families who are struggling with addiction. Our staff of professionals has extensive experience in working with families. While our approach is couched in family systems theory, we connect with families through compassion and understanding. We even have the facilities and guidance to help you plan an Intervention.

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