
AA Offers Support through Meetings

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international, non-religious fellowship organization which offers support on a regular basis through meetings throughout the year. The program follows a 12 step process to recovery, involving believing in something greater than yourself. “If you have a problem, go to a meeting, listen to other people talk. You don’t have to stand up. You don’t have to share. If they go around the table and your turn comes up, you can say you don’t wish to share, that you’re just listening,” said a recovery alcoholic in San Luis Obispo County. This group also offers AlAnon, a support group for family members of alcoholics. It’s an effective way to help support both the family and the member who is going through recovery, so that everyone can have a better idea of the disease and to have a network of support.

The road to recovery isn’t easy, and many people relapse in the beginning of their recovery, but AA offers a lifetime of support to those who are in recovery. It’s a continuing of support and care so that members have each other to relate to and depend on if they feel as though they are going to relapse. If you or someone you love is having a battle with a substance now is the time to seek treatment. The road to recovery can begin today! For more information about our services, please go to

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