
It’s Mental Illness Awareness Week

It’s Mental Illness Awareness Week, which takes place each October in an effort to shine a spotlight on something one in every five Americans is dealing with: mental illness. Yet despite how common it is, it’s not talked about nearly enough and we still battle with stigma.

This year, the National Alliance of Mental Illness is urging everyone to work together to not only spread awareness but to #CureStigma. According to the campaign manifesto, stigma is 100 percent curable and the antidote is “compassion, empathy and understanding.”

Along these lines, NAMI is asking people to use their voices to spread the cure and to educate others. You can do this by sharing your own mental health journeys. By doing so you can help to make this invisible illness real and may even inspire someone to seek treatment.

“The more we talk about it, just like we did with breast cancer, the more normal it becomes and the more people will come forward and speak about it,” Tyler Corson, a board member with NAMI-Virginia Beach, told reporters.

If you or someone you love is struggling with a co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorder, you fully understand the shame and isolation that stigma can cause. You also know that having a mental illness and getting proper treatment is not weak. In fact, caring for your mental health is brave and crucial to your recovery and overall well-being.

Addiction and Mental Health Help
When individuals struggle with a co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorder, treatment for both disorders is essential. At Seabrook, we can help guide you or someone love through the healing process and give you the tools you need to achieve mind-body wellness. To learn more about our Holistic Addiction Recovery, call today: 877-352-8348.

Have you re-enrolled for Medicaid? Learn more about changes that could affect your coverage.