
Increase in Infants being born Dependent on Drugs

A harsh reality has been seen at the Faxton St. Luke’s Healthcare facility, with an increase of more babies being born dependent on drugs. For this hospital they are contemplating on getting volunteers to help hold the babies who are going through withdrawal. The drugs affect the babies’ central nervous systems making them more irritable and unhappy. They have discovered the babies like to be swaddled and held more often than a baby not born dependent on drugs. These babies also tend to be a bit more time consuming because they have a need for pacifiers, they like to suck and they need to be fed more often because they cannot tolerate a lot of food at a time. It’s an overall sad situation, especially when the increase has only been over the past two years. The hospital reports they would get a few babies a year born dependent on drugs, but now they are having a few babies born a month and some times more than a few! Other hospitals in this region are also reporting an increase of babies born dependent too.

In Onondaga County 25 out of 1,000 newborns have drug related hospitalizations. Gail Banach (director of public education for Upstate New York Poison Control) said, “That number is much higher than the state number and much higher than the national level, any level, it’s an extremely high number.” In efforts to launch an awareness campaign aimed at pregnant woman who are abusing drugs or misusing drugs, Onondaga County has bought 8 billboards showing a newborn hooked up to tubes and wires, giving the phone number for a “hope line.” They also hope to have in the near future brochures and training to help screen mothers and other them more in depth help.

Seabrook is proud to offer a distinct program for mothers with children known as MaterLiber (Latin for mother-child). This unique primary residential chemical dependency treatment program provides a place where a mother is permitted to have her children accompany her into rehab. The children can remain throughout the entire treatment process. Our facilities afford a mother the confidence that she will have access to her children during this crucial early stage of recovery. We believe all women deserve the right to have access to an inpatient alcohol and drug rehab program without worrying about the safety of their children. Please visit:, to learn more about this program and the many other programs available through Seabrook.

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