
Equipping Schools with Naloxone

The National Association of Nurses hopes that all schools will begin to carry the life saving drug Naloxone. Naloxone, also known as Narcan, is an overdose reversing drug that has saved thousands of lives. The association wants to prevent as many deaths as possible during this epidemic.

A few states have already allowed Naloxone to be stocked in schools, including Rhode Island, Kentucky and New York. In Rhode Island, it is available in every middle school and high school throughout the state. Over 81 percent of nurses in Rhode Island claim to have called 911 at least once for substance abuse. And although it is uncommon for an overdose to occur in a school, the drug is there for these extreme circumstances.

Some are concerned that this drug will be kept in schools with young adolescents. But advocates are persistent in educating the public of the safety of this drug, which will not do any harm if used on someone who did not overdose.

Schools should be prepared for all types of emergencies. Providing the schools throughout the country with Naloxone will prepare them for this different type of emergency.

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