
“Wrecking Ball”

My ten year old daughter likes Miley Cyrus and her new song wrecking ball. She of course doesn’t understand the meaning behind the words, nor has she seen Miley swinging naked on the cold metal ball. While Miley is singing about her love life, I could apply the same words to my love for alcohol. I was under it’s spell.

While the obsession to drink has been lifted for me, thank God, I am still an alcoholic. It was once my solution to all my problems, my fears and my loneliness. Alcohol was my best friend and it was wrecking my life. The destruction it caused was all around me, but I didn’t see it for a long time.

Now that the dust has settled, I can start cleaning up the wreckage of my past, by seeing my part in things, being honest, asking God to show me my character defects, making amends, living in ten and eleven. The 12 steps have opened my eyes to a new way of living and when the walls come crashing down, I have a tool kit, hard hat included.

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