
Whitney Houston Dead at 48

Whitney Houston Dead at 48

On February 11, 2012, Whitney Houston was found dead in a suite at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, in Beverly Hills, California, submerged in the bathtub. The cause of death was not immediately known, but it’s fair to say that drugs and alcohol were involved because alcohol, Xanex, and prescription pills were all found in the room. Beverly Hills paramedics arrived at 3:30 p.m. and found the singer unresponsive and performed CPR, but Houston was ultimately pronounced dead at 4:00 p.m.

Houston’s death was a sad ending to an illustrious singing career that had unfortunately been backtracked by years of drug and alcohol addiction. Sadly following her death, it has been claimed that Whitney binged on cocaine, alcohol and pills in her final months and was seemingly out of control. Her former limo driver Al Bowman claims to have driven the singer to run down ghettos to pick up crack from dealers, witnessing Bobby and Whitney having a threesome with an A-list soul singer and that she’d smoked crack in front of her daughter. These claims may not be surprising to many, but Whitney’s story can nevertheless be a lesson for all about the dangers of substance abuse, prescription pills, and mixing substances.

This tragedy, if nothing else, can serve as an eye opener for parents, kids, and current drug and alcohol abusers. Here you have this immense talent with a beautiful singing voice that essentially cut her life short because of bad decision making. The temptations and access to drugs and alcohol will reach nearly everyone in today’s society—but when it comes down to it, it’s initially a choice. Unfortunately once you choose to begin using drugs or drinking alcohol, stopping is an extremely difficult task. Recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction is however not impossible, and detox and rehab centers like Seabrook provide the professional treatment needed to recover. Seabrook is an internationally recognized inpatient drug rehab and alcoholism detox treatment center with rehab facilities located in New Jersey (NJ), Pennsylvania (PA), and an outpatient office in New York (NY). At Seabrook, we are committed to providing quality addiction treatment for the physical, emotional and spiritual illness of chemical dependency. Our structured, nurturing programs, along with the principles grounded in the Twelve Step philosophy of recovery, combine to foster the kind of change necessary for a clean and sober life. Take a lesson from the tragic Whitney Houston story and contact Seabrook today to begin your drug or alcohol addiction recovery.

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