
The World after Drug Rehab

The World after Drug Rehab

Completing a stint at a drug rehabilitation center is an important step in the addiction recovery process. But whether the initial addiction was with drugs, alcohol, nicotine, or any other unhealthy compulsion—the most essential hurdle to clear for all addictions is the reaction to the world after rehab. Many people appear to be past their addiction problems after successful rehabilitation treatment, but once the temptations and real life situations appear again and freedom is brought back into an addict’s life, they crumble and relapse. This is why treatment for addiction should consistently be focused on changing the mindset and habits both during rehabilitation and post-rehab.  Addiction treatment on an outpatient basis is a building block for a patient after residential treatment has been completed. For others, it is the entry point into treatment. Several levels of care, from day treatment, intensive outpatient, to maintenance care, are determined by individual needs.

These levels of care are all aimed at the same goal—to keep the recovery process going for patients after rehabilitation to ensure the prevention of relapse and return to a normal healthy life. Addiction treatment should involve a direct plan for the patient after rehabilitation. Included in the plan should be the continuation of therapy, a new hobby or habit to practice and replace the void left by the addiction, and a healthy eating and sleeping schedule. The results of a practiced and established routine allow former addicts to bring healthy activity into their lives. But for some, it can take many attempts to find the inspiration for the successful implementation of a new lifestyle and unfortunately relapse can be a reality—but it’s not the end of the road. Aftercare services allow addicts that are having problems adapting back to the freedoms of the real world to continue seeking treatment.

Seabrook provides Intensive Outpatient services for those living locally. For those patients out of the local area, for example those living in Boston, Massachusetts (MA), Seabrook provides direct referrals to many outpatient services and also works together with large healthcare systems, psychiatric hospitals, outpatient facilities, and other professionals in the behavioral health fields to create opportunities for patients to receive the addiction treatment and aftercare support they need.  With facilities located in Bridgeton, New Jersey (NJ), Tioga County Pennsylvania (PA), and New York (NY) Seabrook’s addiction treatment services are readily available and conveniently located to a large portion of the east coast. Contact Seabrook for more information about the locations or any other questions about aftercare services.

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