
Proposed Tax Could Help Fund Heroin Addiction Treatment

Gov. Chris Christie proposed a tax on electronic cigarettes and some political figures feel the funds should be used to expand drug treatment services and help fight the heroin epidemic in New Jersey. The proposed tax would generate approximately $35 million in new revenue. Although no decision has been announced as to where these additional funds will be allocated to, many feel that a portion of the funds should be used to help fight drug addiction.

Addiction can happen to anyone, and the important thing to do is get into treatment for it. Recovery needs to be the number one priority in your life. Seabrook is an internationally recognized private drug and alcohol treatment center in New Jersey. At Seabrook, we offer detox, inpatient, outpatient, and family treatment. We operate several behavioral health facilities in the northeast United States.

Our accommodations offer both private and semi-private rooms with modern amenities. Seabrook accepts some health insurances for payment and offers partial scholarships for those without resources, who may qualify. For more information, please contact us at (888) 223-0298.

Have you re-enrolled for Medicaid? Learn more about changes that could affect your coverage.