
Alcohol Ads Hook Kids Early

Alcohol Ads Hook Kids Early

A new study has reported results that show a disturbing trend: if children are exposed to ads that feature alcohol, they have a much higher chance of being at-risk for underage drinking. For some kids, this insidious influence might even get them drinking by the seventh grade. Further results showed that the more the kids were exposed to alcohol advertising, and the more they enjoyed the ads, the higher the chance that they would have tried alcohol by the time they hit the tenth grade.

The study also found that alcohol ads were linked with various other alcohol-related problems in later life for those kids, including booze-fueled fights, declining grades and academic performance, passing out from alcohol, and going to school while drunk. Though you can’t always control what your kids may be watching, be sure to talk with them and explain the dangers of alcohol and what it can do to them. They’ll be less at-risk for alcohol abuse.

If you have a problem with alcohol or drug abuse or know someone who does, you should seek help now for yourself or your loved one. Thankfully, there is good help available. Detoxification and behavioral therapy have proven to be effective in treating drug dependence. Addicts are often unable to complete treatment on their own or with family members, so it’s very important to seek the right treatment center. At Seabrook, we customize our treatment plans to individual patient’s needs, so you know the help you’re getting is right for you or a loved one. Whether you need an in-patient facility, or outpatient care, Seabrook is there for you with rehabilitation centers in New Jersey (NJ), Pennsylvania (PA), and an outpatient center in New York (NY). Contact Seabrook today for any questions about drugs, alcohol, addiction, and treatment.

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