
7 Reasons to Enroll in a Drug Rehab Immediately

Many treatment facilities are encouraging families to enroll their loved ones struggling with addiction into a long term residential drug rehab facility immediately. There are 7 very strong reasons why the holiday season is the best time. Some may say, why would the holiday season be a good time, especially when there is families spreading seasons cheer and being together. Wouldn’t the addict miss out on the time of year that could help them recover from their addiction? Not exactly. While being in the holiday spirit of plenty of cheer and greetings, it also carries with it an unforgiving weight. It can be filled with financial stress and family strain if faced while struggling with addiction. The number one reason for seeking treatment is; the holiday season is the highest risk time of the year for an addict, which can result in overdose and death. Second reason, addiction is often intensified during the holiday season. “Oh the weather outside is frightful”- escaping unpleasant weather can help facilitate successful addiction recovery. Another reason, work and school take a break; holidays are often accompanied by breaks from school and slower business making it easier to take a leave of absence.

Family gatherings during the holidays aren’t the same with an addicted loved one. Unfortunately for families dealing with addiction, the “family togetherness” can be stripped of its holiday joy and replaced with frustration, anger and confusion. Contrary to popular belief, the “magic of the season” won’t make an addiction just disappear. Only drug rehab and a commitment to recovery can bring a family closer to the happy and healthy life they once had. Emotions are high around the holidays, while the holidays have the potential to increase feelings of happiness and joy, they just as well might spark heightened feelings of sadness and depression. Escaping these harsh realities and taking time to focus on themselves in a safe and structured environment is exactly what they need to begin the road to recovery. New Year’s Resolutions, the best way to be successful with the resolution of being drug free is to embark on the journey before the New Year rings in. Come January 1st, one can already have the recovery plan and relapse prevention tools in place to be successful in life.

At Seabrook we know the importance of living a sober and healthy life that’s why Seabrook offers a wide range of addiction treatment services including intensive stabilization(also known as detoxification), individual and group therapy, and education in the biological, social and spiritual aspect of addiction in residential treatment. Our inpatient rehabilitation program consists of a three phase continuum of care for adult’s ages 18 years and over.

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