
Could have, would have, and should have!

“Don’t stress over what could have been, chances are if it should have been, it would have been. “

How many times do we get caught up in the “could of, would have, should have’s” in life? How many times do we sit and think if only I had said this or done that? When we get caught up in these racing thoughts of what could have, should have or would have, are we really accepting the reality of life on life’s terms? This is where I believe faith comes in and we must believe in a power greater than ourselves to restore us to sanity and remove these thoughts from battling in our heads. Some people do not appreciate the saying “it is what it is,” but you know what, sometimes it is exactly that, plain and simple, we must accept our past and it takes some people a long time to understand this concept. However when I find myself in these “could of, would of, and should of” thought patterns I realize I am lacking in serenity and prayer in my life.

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