
When the Storm Hits, Don’t Hit the Booze

When the Storm Hits, Don’t Hit the Booze

As a massive winter blizzard is hitting the East Coast, it’s helpful to remember that alcohol is not the answer to the wintertime woes—in fact in can be deadly. Though having a drink or two while snowed in can be a fun and harmless way to pass the time, you should be sure to drink responsibly and only in moderation. And if you need to go outside for any reason (even to build a snowman or have a snowball fight) you shouldn’t drink alcohol at all or you’ll put yourself in danger.

When you drink during cold weather, what happens is that alcohol impacts your blood flow. You might feel like you’re getting warmer, but it’s really just an illusion. In fact, because alcohol sends blood to your extremities (like your hands and feet), your core temperature can drop dangerously. If you drink when it’s cold out you run a much greater risk of hypothermia or other temperature-related health effects. If you have a drinking problem, winter can be a deadly time.

If you have a problem with alcohol or drug abuse or know someone who does, you should seek help now for yourself or your loved one. Thankfully, there is good help available. Detoxification and behavioral therapy have proven to be effective in treating drug dependence. Addicts are often unable to complete treatment on their own or with family members, so it’s very important to seek the right treatment center. At Seabrook, we customize our treatment plans to individual patient’s needs, so you know the help you’re getting is right for you or a loved one. Whether you need an in-patient facility, or outpatient care, Seabrook is there for you with rehabilitation centers in New Jersey (NJ), Pennsylvania (PA), and an outpatient center in New York (NY). Contact Seabrook today for any questions about drugs, alcohol, addiction, and treatment.

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