
New Pill Form of Heroin Circulating in New Jersey

Pitman Police warn citizens that there is a new form of heroin circulating in the area. This new form is not as easily identifiable because it is not in its normal powder form. The new type of heroin is now a pill. The ‘heroin pill,’ as police are calling it, is made up of Oxycodone and Percocet and are bluish-grey in color with an ‘M’ stamped on one side. The pills are thicker than normal Oxycodone due to other drugs being in the mix. A bystander happened to come across these pills in the borough of Pitman and turned them into the authorities. Although these pills were found in Pitman, police believe they are spreading all across Southern New Jersey, specifically Camden and Gloucester counties, and will spread even further if not stopped.
If you see or hear of any suspicious behavior involving these pills or other drugs, please contact your local police department. You could stop the spread of this dangerous drug. If you know someone addicted to this or any other type of drug, Seabrook is here to help. Call us today at (888) 223-0298.

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