College Students Create Nail Polish That Detects Drugs
Four undergraduate students at North Carolina State University have created a nail polish called “Undercover Colors” that will change colors when it comes in contact with popular date-rape drugs like Rohypnol, Xanax and Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid (GHB). Many products, like coasters or straws, that detect drugs in drinks already exist, but these students wanted to create something that a woman will never forget.
Responses to the release of this product idea have been very two sided. Some say that it is one of the best ideas for date-rape prevention, while others say it will lead to more rapes because of a false sense of security. Critics are saying that if the nail polish fails in detecting drugs and a woman does get drugged and raped, she will blame herself even though the product failed her. Other critics added it deludes women into thinking they are safe from all drugs when the product only detects a few.
This product has caused a stir of discussions on whether more products like this should be created or more conversations should be had with men to prevent date-rapes from happening in the first place.