
“Safe Drinking” Campaign Creators Upset with Alcohol Advertisements

Alcohol advertisements are very common during sport broadcasts, especially throughout football games. Often alcoholic beverage companies will sponsor football teams and their logos will appear numerous times throughout the game. These advertisements are very influential to viewers, who are mainly adult males and their children.

DrinkWise, an organization that funds alcohol related research, recently started a “Safe Drinking” campaign to try to bring awareness to alcohol abuse and addiction. They created campaign advertisements that are scheduled to run at the same time as other alcohol related promotions. DrinkWise is now concerned that this will send a mixed message to viewers, specifically the children.

Since DrinkWise cannot control what other types of advertisements are played alongside their own, they are now urging parents to teach children right from wrong when it comes to alcohol. Research shows that one of the biggest influencers on children is their parents, and DrinkWise wants to make sure the parents are leading the children in the right direction.

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