Nosespray Reverses Overdose

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Nosespray Reverses Overdose

In Massachusetts alone, more than 500 people die every year from accidental opioid overdoses. Three quarters of them from painkillers, according to the latest Massachusetts Department of Health data, from 2010. Nationwide, in the past decade, fatal heroin overdoses have nearly doubled to more than 3,000 a year, while fatal painkiller overdoses have quadrupled to 16,000 thousand a year, according to 2010 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

More people die in the U.S. from fatal opioid overdoses annually than AIDS or homicide. In 2010, 19,689 Americans died from painkiller and heroin overdoses, while 18,978 died from AIDS, according to the CDC. The FBI tallied 14,722 homicides that year.

While 24 million Americans age 12 and older, or almost 1 in 10, need treatment for illicit drug or alcohol abuse, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration. Of those, about 7 million Americans abuse prescription drugs, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Since the pilot program for Narcan nose spray began in late 2010, police have applied Narcan 179 times and reversed overdoses 170 times, a 95 percent success rate. Five people were already dead when police arrived, while the Narcan had no effect on four people who had consumed other substances. Narcan works only on opioids. The life-saving Narcan costs only $22 a dose. The youngest person saved in Quincy was 15, and the oldest was 67.

Drug addiction does not discriminate by age, sex, economic background or area. If you need are struggling with addiction act now. Get the help you deserve. Seabrook is not only licensed but CARF-accredited. We have highly credentialed and trained staff and we believe in a holistic approach to treatment. We have an outstanding medial and treatment team available 24 hours a day to ensure that you will receive the highest level of care. Contact us at (888) 223-0298 to talk to us today about our addiction treatment services.

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