“What would you do for a Klondike bar?”
I can remember coming into recovery and in the rooms people spoke about having reservations. It was a common theme to hear of “Squashing all reservations” and I had no idea what they meant. Even after learning what a reservation was I still was not sure how to “squash” them, I mean how can I not have alcohol at my own wedding? How could I sit by a campfire without drinks? How do you go fishing without pot? These drugs did not bring me to my knees, why is it a problem? Now mind you, I was coming in crawling into rehab and wanted to die but now I am setting limitations to what I was willing to do to stay clean. It was taught to me a person has reservations on their recovery is limiting themselves from the process. In most of my “conditions” I ever put on anything was what I wanted and not what I needed and what I need the most! So I started to say something to myself that would make me smile every time I even considered holding on to reservations and limit my growth, “what would you do for a Klondike bar!” It quickly stopped my racing thought since it made me giggle then I could remove myself enough to speak on it to my sponsor or network. The more I shared with people it got better and people in the rooms had great responses that made more sense than my rational ever did. It was then I understood how to “Squash the reservation” and I was going to do anything for that Klondike ice cream!