
Saving Face

Blog post by: Alumni Relations Specialist

This holiday was one of the hardest to get through for me in a very long time. It was not my first holiday clean and sober, but throughout recovery we go through growing pains. And, that is exactly where I am at right now. As I shared at a meeting, after we gain some sober time in recovery it is hard to want to “save face.” I do not want to show people that I am not as strong as I like to portray. This is where my sponsor, my network, my family  and a Higher Power stepped in to show me a lesson about being human. They showed me that I am not perfect and that we go through times of pain in our lives no matter how much time we have clean and sober. Pain is pain no matter how big or small it may be. If it affects us and our recovery we should not let our pride and ego get in the way of sharing things. So a big thanks to the fellowship, my family and my Higher Power for helping me through the holidays! Also, a big thanks to myself for knowing that today, verses the past, I am worth it and that I have people in my life today that are willing to help me when I “feel” at my worst. We can get through anything; we are very strong people in my opinion! Here is to growing up!


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