What to Expect in Detox
The thought of detoxification often scares people away from treatment because the benefits of the detox process are never thoroughly explained. It’s often viewed as a painful process that should be avoided, or it’s viewed as a process that can be done alone—both of which are false. The reality is that a detoxification process can be life threatening or life saving, depending on how it’s approached.
In severe withdrawal cases with no supervision or medical attention, detoxification can be a life threatening process. The significance of the withdrawal symptoms are obviously linked to the type of substance and the frequency of use, but it’s extremely important for longtime and frequent drug and alcohol abusers to seek professional detoxification treatment in order to ensure safety. Highly addictive drugs like prescription pain killers cause the body to become physically and mentally dependent on them, and just stopping cold turkey is very unsafe. It’s very important for frequent users to begin the detox process under professional supervision because trying to accomplish a successful detoxification alone is highly unlikely and medically unsafe.
The detox process is unique to each substance and it’s unique to each individual, which is why medical supervision is highly recommended. Seabrook is an internationally recognized drug rehab and alcoholism detox treatment center that provides excellent detox programs. Seabrook provides 24-hour physician and nursing care which includes a comprehensive medical examination and nursing intake with monitoring of a patient’s physiologic and psychological withdrawal. As a part of the detox program appropriate interventions are facilitated, which includes administration of medication, mental status examinations, addiction education, relapse prevention and motivational counseling. Seabrook has treatment centers located in New Jersey (NJ) and Pennsylvania (PA), along with an outpatient office in New York (NY). Be sure that you or your loved one takes the detox process seriously and considers enrolling in an outstanding program like the detox program at Seabrook to being the road to recovery. Feel free to contact Seabrook today with any questions about the detox process or detox programs.