
We Admitted

The first step in recovery is “we admitted we were powerless over our addiction and our lives had become unmanageable”. The first 2 words here are “we admitted”, and I believe they are often overlooked by people who are just entering rehab. Sometimes, the motivation for people entering rehab is because of an upcoming court case that they want to smooth over, or maybe it’s because their family had an intervention and they just want to get them off their back, or maybe their spouses gave them an ultimatum. Either way, I’m afraid it’s very common to enter rehab to appease others, but that just means the entire “we admitted” part is missing and recovery is going to be an extremely difficult thing to grasp. The fact is that your mom, your dad, your wife, your kids, or your husband can know in their hearts that you’re an addict/alcoholic and that you desperately need help, but if you don’t believe it, then what is there to recover from? In rehab, they often tell you that “you have to want this for you!” A lot of times, people do enter rehab with the “I just want my family off my back” mind-state but just by sticking it out and doing some work here, that state of mind changes to “I can’t do this for them, I have to do this for me” and that busts the door to recovery wide open. This admission is so important but it cannot come from anyone else, it has to come from us, hence the first 2 words “We admitted” not anyone else.

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