The Truth About Addiction Stereotypes

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The Truth About Addiction Stereotypes

addiction stereotypesOne of the great things about the Internet is that it can help people struggling with addiction feel less alone. That said, you must vet what you read and be very discriminatory about what you do and don’t believe. There’s a lot of misinformation out there!

A recent article, “5 Stereotypes About Drug Addiction From a Former Addict,” published by a local new station offered some interesting viewpoints for individuals (and those who love them) who need addiction help. It was written by Waylon Hinson, who is now clean after abusing alcohol and drugs since the age of 11.

Here are some interesting highlights:

Opioid addicts cannot function in normal society: As you likely know, the face of addiction has certainly changed. It’s no longer the image of a disheveled jobless addict on the street corner. College students, moms, business professionals and even grandparents can all get hooked on painkillers.

The reason why someone is an addict is obvious. In fact, why someone begins using or becomes addicted is far from a straightforward answer. And drug addiction often stems from some sort of trauma, Hinson says. “It can be big or small … What’s important is someone went through something and we have to find out what it was and resolve it.”

Drug addiction is easy to spot. Even if the telltale signs are there, it doesn’t mean that you’ll always see them or admit to them if you’re struggling with addiction. This is partly due to the stigma surrounding addiction, says Hinson. “We have to pay attention and notice what’s going on. Not be naïve as parents, as friends, as family members, as partners and talk to somebody about what’s actually happening.”

Family Treatment at Seabrook
Our three-day Family Matrix Program helps families begin to heal and strengthen the bonds weakened by addiction. In a safe and serene setting, we work with families to explore such topics enabling and boundaries as well as the latest medical information regarding addiction. To learn more, call today: 856-455-7575.

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