
The Difference Between Men and Women

Men and Women

Addiction is different for everyone. Each person who suffers from substance abuse will experience different trials and tribulations compared to the person next to them. Additionally, recovery is different for each person. Treatments and therapies that suit one person may fail for another. Men and women in particular face different physical, emotional, and societal challenges when withstanding both addiction, treatment, and recovery. Men are most likely to indulge in alcohol and illicit substances, while women are more likely to become addicted. Even in its earliest phases, addiction is different for men and women.

Men and Women in Addiction

Men often site temptation as their reasoning for experimenting with mild alerting substances. Women are commonly introduced to drugs or alcohol through romantic partners, driven to cope from painful/ emotional pasts, or a co-occurring disorder. If someone enters treatment with a co-occurring disorder both the disorder and addiction need to be treated in synch with the other. Mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and PTSD are more frequent in women.  As women have different social pressures and physical consequences, they tend to prefer women only treatment programs. Being surrounded by female companions allows women patients to open up further, feel safer, and create special bonds while in treatment.

Men and Women in Treatment

Addiction treatment statistics show that men are more likely to be admitted to treatment facilities than women are. The main reason men are hesitant to enter treatment is the fear of occupational consequences.  The biggest barrier for women entering treatment is concern regarding the ramifications on her family. As a substitution to 30-day rehabilitation programs, women will consult therapists or their primary care physician about their addiction and receive a lower quality of care compared to a specialized rehabilitation program. Being responsible for a family even hinders the capability of a woman to attend intensive outpatient programs or AA/NA meetings. Once in a program, women have a higher probability than men in maintain sobriety.

Men and Women in Therapy

When it comes to individual therapy sessions, men and women will act very different. Many males refuse to admit they have a problem. They believe they have control over their intake. As men are reluctant to admit to their addiction, their significant others are frequently who refer them to treatment facilities. As men continue to deny there is a problem, they will be skeptical to open up in therapy sessions. Counselors are prepared for this level of incredulous behavior. On the contrary; when working with women, counselors need to be sensitive to the patient’s past. The past is frequently where all the pain and bad memories lie that have led to a woman’s chemical dependency.

At Seabrook, we are very proud of our evidence-based practices. Our men’s and women’s communities do not intermingle generally. As each group has their own needs, our therapists, counselors, and recovery coaches can dedicate the appropriate resources to each by managing the communities separately. Seabrook is proud to be on the front line combating the nationwide opioid epidemic and helping our clients to achieve a lasting sobriety. To learn more about our programs and services, including opiate detoxification, call us today: 856-455-7575.

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