The Clock Strikes Sober!
Today is a new day and a great day to be sober! Every day that we get through without picking up a drink or drug it is a BIG DEAL and amazing accomplishment. Can you remember the first day trying to stay sober and constantly looking at the clock thinking a minute that passed by felt like an hour? Time went by so slow in the beginning. However, as we stuck around and continued to do the work as we went to meetings, got a home group, worked with our sponsor on step work and gave back to others in service work, time did not go by so sluggish. At times in our active addiction we became so isolated we could not even go to the supermarket without being under the influence and now there is a whole new hope for us! We used to not be able to do anything such as go to a family function or a social gathering without being drunk or high and now we are able and actually enjoy them without the crutches of a substance. We began to love our new life and embrace the style of living in a positive way. Recovery becomes enjoyable, we gain relationships with friendships that have depth, and we gain our families trust back. Suddenly the NA/AA dances we found “stupid” we are now in attendance at with the fellowship. We learn to live life again and on life’s terms at that!