
Teens Do Not Consider Molly Ecstasy

Although many nationwide surveys claim that ecstasy use in adolescents is decreasing, that may not be the case. This is due to the fact then when surveying, researchers do not always clarify that ecstasy use includes the use of Molly, a new and popular form of ecstasy. A study published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence finds that when Molly use is grouped with ecstasy use in surveys, the rates are much higher.

Researchers on the study from New York University’s Center for Drug Use and HIV Research analyzed data from the Monitoring the Future Study, a nationwide study of over 15,000 American Students. They focused specifically on the data from 6,250 students that were questioned on ecstasy use. These students were high school seniors in 2014. This data confirmed that when students were asked about ecstasy and Molly use, the rates of use were higher than when the students were just questioned about ecstasy use.

Street names of drugs are constantly changing and evolving, and it is beneficial for educators and law enforcement to stay up to date on these names to track use and help prevent abuse.

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