Spring Break and Alcohol Abuse

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Spring Break and Alcohol Abuse

Spring Break and Alcohol Abuse

It’s that time of year again when the weather starts to warm up and colleges go on their spring break. Many students take this time off and travel around the country or even abroad to party with their friends. College students already feel a sense of freedom when they’re at school and binge drinking can result from this, but there’s an even stronger sense of freedom when students are not only away from home, but also away from school in a place that they will most likely not return to.

According to many different alcohol and substance abuse studies, alcohol consumption has its peaks and valleys—but around Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break is when alcohol abuse it at its highest, in that order. There are obvious dangers that come with binging and alcohol abuse, especially when students are off on their own, on vacation with their friends. Every year there’s a handful of horrible stories about college kids falling off of balconies or getting into car crashes or being involved in other terrible accidents because of how drunk they were. If you’re a parent or a friend a student who is going on a spring break vacation within the next few weeks, be sure to emphasize safety and be careful with drinking. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to devastating accidents and it can lead to a very unhealthy and dangerous lifestyle of alcoholism.

Many students who abuse alcohol and binge drink in college do so in a progressive manner—meaning the older they get the more they binge drink. Unfortunately this pattern leads many towards a life of alcoholism after they get out of college. Today it can be very common for people to fall into an alcohol addiction to try and cope with their problems, but substance abuse is never the right way to go, and unfortunately sometimes people learn the hard way. But in order to recover, it’s extremely important to first become conscious of your problem, or make your loved one conscious of their problem, and then find that burning motivation to change the addictive ways. It can be very difficult for a drug addict or an alcoholic and their family to accomplish these things on their own, so that’s where Seabrook can help. Seabrook is an internationally recognized inpatient drug rehab and alcoholism detox treatment center with rehab facilities located in New Jersey (NJ), Pennsylvania (PA), and an outpatient office in New York (NY). If you’d like to learn more about alcoholism and alcohol treatment programs contact Seabrook today!

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