
Social Media’s Influence on Addiction Recovery

Social Media’s Influence on Addiction Recovery

There are an astounding amount of people that use social media today. There’s Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, MySpace, and quite a few more social networks out there. Through these networks people are able to share their opinions and thoughts while also being exposed to other people’s messages—and it seems now that everyone participates. People can access social media through their phones, celebrities and professional athletes are able to communicate with fans through social media, and in recent years corporate influence has even found its way into the social media bubble. Social media is very widely used today and because of this wide usage, the messages that people are exposed to have the potential to influence their thoughts or behaviors—and for someone recovering from alcohol and/or drug abuse, these messages can trigger strength or relapse.

Social media can be whatever you make it out to be. Participation isn’t required and each individual user has the power to chose who they follow or who they are friends with. The messages and content that people are exposed to are a result of who and what they’re following on social media. It’s because of this customization that social media can be a potential source of strength for a recovering addict, or it can be something that leads to cravings and relapse. If you’re a recovering addict and you are exposed to something on a social media site that triggers the want to do drugs or drink alcohol, then you shouldn’t be following them. Instead of following triggers for relapse, consider following things that lead to strength and inspiration. There are many inspirational organizations and people that are on social media and their messages can help your recovery.

Practicing bad habits can lead to a relapse—and constantly being exposed to bad influences through social media is a bad habit for a recovering addict. For those who may be having difficulty with recovering from their addiction, it is wise to seek help sooner rather than later. Seabrook is an internationally recognized private and exclusive inpatient drug rehab and alcoholism detoxification treatment center. At Seabrook, we offer the individually structured programs that will lead to the most successful recovery from addiction or chemical dependency. Our facilities are located in Bridgeton, New Jersey (NJ), Tioga County, Pennsylvania (PA), and New York (NY).  Contact Seabrook today at 1.(888) 223-0298 to find out ways for you to beat your addiction!

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