Simplicity is Key!

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Simplicity is Key!

Blog post by: Alumni Relations Specialist

Simplicity is important for all addicts. We always need to keep it simple. The more we try to complicate everything, the less we seem to understand recovery and the more we struggle with the process.  Keeping anything simple has a quality of being easy to understand, and the fellowship does just that for us in the preamble and how it works! Just then we put down the “how it works” reading and tell the guy sitting next to us at the meeting that we do not understand how all of this works and walk out. Only later do we crawl back in the same meeting with much more pain and finally ready to listen to anything someone with sobriety will tell us to get one more day. The one thing I hear and see on walls most is to “Keep it simple” or K.I.S.S. only to later understand what it truly means!

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