
Reinvigorating Your Recovery This Spring

reinvigorating your recovery springSpring has sprung! After this crazy, up-and-down winter, we are all ready to soak up some sun, breathe in some fresh air and feel reinvigorated. Whether you’ve been sober for two months or 12 years, this is the perfect season to nurture your recovery. In other words, dig around and figure out ways you can renew your commitment and grow your efforts.

Spring-Cleaning Checklist

A great first step is asking yourself: What part of my recovery routine can use a little spring cleaning or re-freshening? Here’s a look at some common areas that may need some extra tending.

  • Motivation: We can all use a little extra motivation now and then. What are you doing to stay on track and reengage in your recovery? For example, have you met with your therapist, wrote in a journal, meditated or attended a support group? Over the next few weeks, focus on recovery tasks that can help lift you out of the winter rut.
  • Goals: Personal growth is key for lasting sobriety – and setting goals is a big part of this. Review your list of goals and take a minute to re-prioritize a few small attainable ones that you can tackle over the next few months. Similarly, take time to celebrate any progress you’ve made so far this year.
  • Support: If you’ve been hibernating a lot this winter, it’s time to stop. Loneliness is a big relapse trigger. This season, vow to tend to your relationships and grow your support network.
  • Physical and mental health: Take a look at your diet and exercise habits and sleep and relaxation routines. What’s working? What’s not? Try to make a few positive changes that will strengthen your mind and body and make you more resilient in your recovery.

Sober Fun in Spring

Life in recovery is also about finding joy, hope, inspiration – and sober fun! Try one of these seasonal activities the Garden State has to offer.

Hit the trails. Springtime, and the return of warmth and sunshine after a long, cold winter, is the perfect time to go hiking and reconnect with nature. Leave those puffy winter coats behind and enjoy the sprouting blossoms at Morristown National Historical Park, South Mountain Reservation, or one of the many amazing trails in New Jersey.

Spend the day at the park. There’s no shortage of parks in New Jersey – whether it’s a small, local one near your home or a large, nearby state park. Carve out a few hours to take a stroll, relax on a park bench, or toss a frisbee with a friend or loved one.

Go to a baseball game. Minor league baseball is a longstanding tradition in New Jersey, entertaining visitors and residents throughout the season. Snag tickets to see any of New Jersey’s six teams playing at fan-friendly stadiums around the state.

Bask in the blossoms. The Garden State turns pink with gorgeous cherry blossoms during Essex County’s Annual Cherry Blossom Festival, which runs April 6–April 14.

Visit the zoo. Strolling around the zoo is a great way to reap the healing benefits of both nature and animals. Take a trip to Cohanzick Zoo or Turtle Back Zoo and get acquainted with some amazing creatures.

Springtime at Seabrook

Why not make spring the season you decide to embark on a path toward lasting sobriety. At Seabrook, we offer our clients a variety of addiction treatment programs and services grounded in the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA). To learn more about how we can help you or someone you love – call us today: (888) 223-0298.


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