Rehab Doesn’t Work For Me

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Rehab Doesn’t Work For Me

Rehab Doesn’t Work For Me

Many addicts go through drug and alcohol detoxification and short term rehabilitation without seeing lasting results, so they immediately assume that rehab just doesn’t work for them. Once they relapse after short term rehab, they get back into the cycle of their addiction and claim that rehab was a failure. But what these people are failing to realize is the fact that recovery from addiction is a long term journey that requires a serious commitment and a desire to truly change behaviors and thoughts. Addicts who return to their old environment after their short rehab stint often fail to practice the actions and therapies that they briefly learned about, and consequently end up relapsing back into old habits. But this doesn’t have to be the road that you take. Rehab can truly change your life, but only if you’re ready to commit to it. A stay at a long term rehabilitation center like Seabrook significantly betters your chances of staying sober and living a life of permanent sobriety.

Seabrook’s experience and success is in helping our patients through the healing of body, mind, and spirit. Our treatment team is passionate about providing patients with an individualized addiction rehab treatment program. We believe in a holistic approach offering a multitude of rehab services, including yoga, EMDR, psychodrama, music therapy, equine-assisted therapy and adventure based counseling. The latest outcome studies conducted by the National Institute of Drug Abuse are very clear. Treatment must be a minimum of three months to be effective and must include active participation in 12-Step recovery support groups.

For those who have tried and failed with short term rehabilitation, a new approach needs to be taken. The importance of a long term rehab stint has been established, but inspiration is still a concern for most. It helps to think of rehabilitation as something that’s inherently good and healthy for you, even though you might not like it—much like eating vegetables as a kid. You may not have liked the way that broccoli tasted, but most likely your parents or guardians made you eat it because it’s a fact that vegetables are good for your body. If you think of rehab and therapy with this mindset, it will eventually grow on you—much like vegetables eventually grow on kids. At Seabrook, we are committed to providing quality addiction treatment for the physical, emotional and spiritual illness of chemical dependency. The treatment team at Seabrook will help you change your mind set about rehabilitation which will result in a lasting recovery. Contact Seabrook today with any questions!

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