Random Drug Testing in Schools

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Random Drug Testing in Schools

A New Jersey school district is proposing random alcohol and drug testing for thousands of high school students who could lose school privileges and be forced to undergo counseling if they test positive. Parents protested at a school board meeting, where a preliminary plan was outlined that would affect 5,000 students. The district says students would not be suspended and the drug test results would not go on their disciplinary records, but the penalties and loss of privileges become more severe if additional positive results are discovered. The school says it hopes the policy acts as a deterrent for students against drugs and alcohol.

But at the meeting, a majority of parents disagreed. They expressed anger at the proposal and said their opinions weren’t included enough in the process. According to the district, the policy will likely be fine-tuned over the summer and could possibly be implemented by the beginning of the next school year.

A big problem facing the nation is parents refusing to believe that drugs abusing is happening in their schools, in their towns and even in their homes. Drugs are here and our children have become addicted to them. They are abusing pain killers, taking heroin, drinking and smoking pot. Parent of addicts need to understand that help is out there. Family Treatment services are available at Seabrook. Our staff of professionals has extensive experience in working with families. While our approach is couched in family systems theory, we connect with families through compassion and understanding. We even have the facilities and guidance to help you plan an Intervention.

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