Overdose Reversal Drug Push

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Overdose Reversal Drug Push

Ohio recently shared the data that 1,154 Ohio residents died in 2011 from an unintentional drug overdose from heroin or prescription painkillers. They also report that at least 13 people in Scioto County have been able to avoid that fate due to an opiate overdose reversal drug that could be bound for wider use in the State.

The drug, Naloxone, is belied to be able to save thousands of lives if distributed to even a fraction of heroin users. The non-abusable drug can be administered via a nasal spray and pushes the opioid off receptors in the brain, usually reviving the patient within a few minutes.

An overdose reversal kit, which includes two doses of naloxone, costs about $30, while the average in-patient treatment charge for a drug overdose can cost more than $10,000. Currently, an individual can get a prescription for naloxone and that prescription can be used on only them.
Two measures are before the State Senate to expand the regulations and allow first responders to carry them.
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