Overcome Addiction with Gender Specific Therapy

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Overcome Addiction with Gender Specific Therapy

Overcome Addiction with Gender Specific Therapy

People of all ages, cultures, genders, and backgrounds can find themselves trapped in an addiction with drugs and alcohol. Finding the strength to admit the need for help is paramount to begin the recovery process, but when you’re ready to commit and you begin to pursue specific rehab centers and programs, you might search based on the wrong specifications.  Often overlooked is the value of having addiction programs that are gender specific. Men and women experience drug and alcohol addiction differently. Not only do they have different biological responses, but they also have separate reasons for turning to drugs and alcohol in the first place. Given these differences, men and women often fare best in gender-specific recovery programs.

Men and women who are searching for the right treatment program should definitely consider the value of a treatment center that offers gender specific treatment. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse Addiction, men and women with substance abuse problems require different prevention and treatment approaches. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, recovery programs that offer gender-specific tracks for men and women may provide the greatest chance for success. Gender-specific treatment groups help patients discuss highly sensitive and personal issues that are unique to their gender.  In co-ed rehabilitation groups, men can sometimes dominate the population of the group which then leads the women feeling insecure about revealing their personal stories. It just makes the most sense for men and women to be able to discuss their addiction problems with their own sex because in general people can relate to their own sex more than the opposite sex.

The benefits of gender specific addiction programs speak for themselves and for those who are looking for gender specific programs— look no further than Seabrook. The expert treatment team at Seabrook house understands that males and females need specific rehabilitation programs that focus on the individual aspects of each patient. Seabrook provides these programs for men and women because they are an internationally recognized private and exclusive inpatient drug rehab and alcoholism detoxification treatment center. A complete and holistic approach is taken towards recovery at Seabrook, and part of this approach is gender specific therapy. Seabrook has locations New Jersey (NJ) and Pennsylvania (PA), as well as an outpatient office in New York (NY). Regardless of your gender, if you struggle with addiction of any kind, be sure to consult the experts at Seabrook today.

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