New Date-Rape Drug Detector in Development

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New Date-Rape Drug Detector in Development

Scientists and technological developers are constantly inventing new devices that help prevent date-rape. Not long ago, a group of students invented a nail polish that changes colors when dipped in a drugged drink. Before that, others developed various strips and objects that will detect an unwanted drug in a drink. The newest invention of this sort is an electronic device and mobile app, under development by a company in Toronto.

The product, which is 3.5 inches long and looks like a USB drive, is called Personal Drink ID ( It can be dipped in a drink, and if it detects a date rape drug like GHB, will send an alert to a person’s cell phone with the mobile app. The device is small enough to fit in a pocket, wallet, or purse.

Gamma Hydroxybutyrate, GHB, is a popular date rape drug that suppresses the central nervous system. When taken, people tend to fall asleep and lose consciousness. GHB comes in all forms, including a clear liquid, powder, capsule or tablet. It is frequently used as a date-rape drug because of its odorless and tasteless nature. People do not smell or taste it in their drink, which makes it undetectable and dangerous.

The company has tested the product and claims it detects the GHB in a drink in about 30 seconds. They hope to release the device by April of 2015.

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