National Prevention Week 2015

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National Prevention Week 2015

National Prevention Week 2015 takes place May 17-23. It is a week dedicated to the public awareness and prevention of substance abuse and mental health.  This week-long health observance is supported by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency (SAMHSA).

Each year SAMHSA chooses a different theme for National Prevention Week. The theme this year is “The Voice of One, the Power of All.” This was chosen to demonstrate that individuals and communities together can help people lead healthy lives.

The topics that National Prevention week addresses include suicide and mental health, drug abuse, tobacco abuse, underage drinking and marijuana use. Each of these topics are prominent problems in today’s society.

National Prevention Week is all about community involvement. Community organizations are encouraged to hold events during National Prevention Week in order to fulfill the mission of raising awareness. Examples of possible events include school assemblies, community forums and media campaigns.

Weeks like National Prevention Week are very important in the mental health and recovery community. They help raise awareness and reduce the stigma of mental health or substance use disorders, which affects millions of Americans.

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